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From Excavation to Digital Model






RESEARCH TEAM                                      


     Paris, France


Paris Diderot University - ENSA Paris-Val de Seine

Architecture - History and Civilization department

   Thesis - PhD Research Project

                                    ECVAU and ANHIMA

Dr. Jean Pierre Vallat and Pr. Olivier Bouet

The use and practice of infographic restitutions in the field of built-up material vestiges has always been an important foundation in research and scientific experiments. This study questions the role of digital models from the excavation to representation of research results. The main body of this project comes from interviews with and discussions of several groups of experts. Research in the field of archaeological and virtual reconstruction of ancient buildings gathers researchers from a variety of professions and possessing different sets of skills. Among them, professional abilities of three groups (the architect, the archaeologist and the IT expert) have been discussed. For the public, the virtual reconstitution of digital models using computers can guarantee and lead to a suitable representation in exhibitions. Suggestions which may improve the multidisciplinary work are: to utilize results from source analysis, conduct interviews and surveys to understand the expectations of each nominated groups, finding the possible ways of interacting between these experts and proposing the potential solutions. The project aims to align the expectations of those expert groups through these digital models. These approaches will also involve the use of digital models in the form of representation and museum devices in exhibition spaces. In this context, the concept of digital model can lead to the basis for exchange and communication of ideas.

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